The basic style shown in the picture of the Mexican flag is described as Border Emblem -reflecting the central design of the flag pattern All Flag pictures depict flags flying, from the viewer's point of view, from left to right The shape and flag ratio of the Mexican flag is described as 1:2 ( length twice the height ) The emblem on the Mexican flag pictures the Mexican Coat of Arms with a caracara perched on a cactus with a snake in its beak |
* A caracara is carrion-eating predatory hawk resembling both the eagle and the vulture. The caracaras act as scavengers, and are also called carrion buzzards The Meaning & History of the Mexican Flag - According to Aztec legend the people were wandering in Mexico in search of a sign that their god, Huitzilopochtli, had given them. He commanded them to find a Crested Caracara perched on top of a cactus, devouring a snake. After two hundred years of wandering, they found the promised sign on a small island in the Lake Texcoco. Their search and wandering ended and they founded their new capital, Tenochtitl |